Example 2:
Let $\Gamma$ denote curve $y=\sqrt{x}$ in 2D, $s$ be the arclength of $\Gamma$ starting at the origin, and $\phi(x,y)$ denote signed distance function from $\Gamma$.
I look at problem of solving Laplace-Beltrami equation on $\Gamma$ for s = 0 to 1, for the known solution function $u=cos(4 \pi s)$. At the two endpoints, Neumann boundary condition is used.
As in previous work, signed distance function is used to define a narrow band extension of width $kh$ around $\Gamma$ and an unfitted finite element scheme[Deckelnik/Eliott] with element size h is applied to solve extended problem [Chern./Olsh.].
Arclength, distance, closest point transform,
$\phi(x,y)$ is computed up to error of order h^2 using Matlab distance transform as follows: binary image of size sqrt(2N) by 2N is generated, for N > h^-2. Pixels at (x+1, Round(sqrt(x))+1) are set as foreground and the distance image is obtained using matlab bwdist function, which uses algorithm by Maurer. However this method becomes difficult to use for h < 1e-2 since Matlab runs out of memory.
For the surface y=sqrt(x) distance and closest point can also be found as roots of polynomial $2y^3 + (-2x_0+1)y -y_0=0$ where $x_0$ and $y_0$ are given point and $y$ gives the closest point on the curve.
From the values of distance function, Hessian is approximated at each point of the grid using centered differences. Cubic interpolation is used to get values at mesh points.
Arclength is approximated to h^2 using trapezoid method.
Unfitted mesh problem with Neumann boundary
The Deckelnik/Eliott unfitted mesh method needed some extra effort to be applied to this problem because of neumann boundary at the 2 sides of curve $\Gamma$.
Clearly I am doing something wrong since the error does not follow expected convergence rates.